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Prof. Dr. phil. Maria Khayutina

Prof. Dr. Maria Khayutina

Vertretung Lehrstuhl für Sinologie


Institut für Sinologie
Kaulbachstr. 53
80539 München

Raum: Zi. 1.14
Telefon: +49 (0)89 / 2180-3473 (Geschäftsstelle); +49 (0)89 / 2180-3637
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 2180-17959


Nach Vereinbarung per Email.


  • Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte des vorkaiserlichen China
  • frühchinesische Epigraphik, insb. Bronzeinschriften;
  • Archäologie und historische Geografie
  • frühe Literatur
  • Erinnerungskultur

Rezente Forschungsprojekte



Qin – der unsterbliche Kaiser und seine Terrakottakrieger (2013), Bernisches Historisches Museum


Rezensionen zur Ausstellung und zum Katalog


Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • “Reflections and Uses of the Past in Chinese Bronze Inscriptions from the Eleventh to Fifth Centuries BC: The Memory of the Conquest of Shang and the First Kings of Zhou,” in Baines, John, Tim Rood, Henriette van der Blom, and Samuel Chen (eds.), Historical Consciousness and the Use of the Past in the Ancient World (Sheffield: Equinox, 2019), 157-180.
  • “The “Bi shi” 粊誓, Western Zhou Oath Texts, and the Legal Culture of Early China” in Kern, Martin and Dirk Meyer (eds.), Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents) (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 416-445.
  • “The Tombs of Peng Rulers and Relationships between Zhou and non-Zhou lineages in Northern China (up to the early 9th c. BC),” in Shaughnessy, Edward L. (ed.), Imprints of Kinship: Studies of Recently Discovered Bronze Inscriptions from Ancient China (Hongkong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2016), 71-132.
  • “Marital Alliances and Affinal Relatives (sheng 甥 and hungou 婚購) in the Society and Politics of Zhou China in the Light of Bronze Inscriptions,” Early China 37 (2014): 1-61.
  • “Royal Hospitality and Geopolitical Constitution of the Western Zhou Polity (1046/5-771 BC),” T’oung Pao 96.1-3 (2010), 1-73.

Die gesamte Publikationsliste (Stand Oktober 2020)